Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday's five

Consider this the bookend to Marvelous Monday, okay?

Five things I'm loving this Friday:

1) A "meet you at the local grocery store in 10" impromptu visit with Sara.

2) The light snow that is falling gently outside. I am not loving that it covers up a virtual slip-and-slide ice layer on the sidewalks (and probably on the roads, too) but it's beautiful - and a little icing on the cake, I suspect, for...

3) ...the City of Lakes Loppet Ski Festival this weekend in Minneapolis! Although I'm not much in the habit of skiing anymore, some of you know that cross-country skiing is near and dear to my heart. I just stinkin' love that there is a ski race that finishes (when snow allows, which it does this year) on Hennepin Avenue in the middle of Uptown in Minneapolis. The festival includes events for kids and families, all the way up to a 33K race. I have friends who are racing and one friend who is a very active volunteer with the Loppet Foundation, so I picked up a volunteer shift tomorrow morning and am excited to support this event.

4) It's February now! That means that in four short weeks, it will be March, which equates to spring in my book.

5) I attended Yoga Sculpt twice this week, for the first time in ages. My muscles are not loving me for it, but I am pleased.

Yoo hoo! What are you up to this weekend? Were there any tiny moments that made you smile today?

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