Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sweat and so on

Remember when I was warbling about how gorgeous the springy weather was over the weekend?  As people say in Minnesota, wait an hour and the weather will change.  (I actually dislike that expression because I feel like people say that in a lot of cities.) Today my alarm went off at 6 a.m. for my run--the first back-to-back days of running since the marathon--and I pulled up the current conditions on my phone, only to learn that it was already 81 degrees.  Ouch!!  I'm hoping this blog will chronicle my cheerful and fruitful maturation into a gutsy hot-weather runner this summer, but I'm sooo not there right now.  Take a temperature above 65 and add a splash of humidity to the air, and I start to wilt.  Over the course of five sloggy miles this morning, I realized that my heart rate was 40 (40!) beats per minute higher than it would normally be at that pace in more typical weather.  So, I threw in a smattering of walk breaks, which turned into more leisurely walk breaks up the hill on St. Clair by 35E.  Does anyone remember the little "mood" emoticons one could select on MySpace for each entry?  I think mine this morning would've been some hodge-podge of a red face, sweat and a wavy line for a mouth to show my displeasure.

Bottom line: I'm finally cooled down, but the mercury might hit 100 today, and that means it's an ice cream kind of night...or at the very least, watermelon.  As someone told me over the weekend, it's the kind of weather where you gotta stay liquidated!

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