Saturday, July 16, 2011

Better than a macaroni card

I love discovering tidbits about people, especially hidden talents that one would never guess.  As it turns out, my boyfriend is skilled in the art of the photo slideshow, something I would never really know how to even begin. (Powerpoint?) 

"I'm making you a surprise," he told me one day recently.  Needless to say, I was stumped.  I entertained thoughts of woodwork and macaroni cards.  He went down into the basement, where our DVD player rests. "Come down here for a minute," he said, and pressed play.

(Go ahead, press play.)

I kept my cool burst into tears because I loved it so much.  I admit, I'm totally biased.  I meant to post more trip photos this week anyway, but this will definitely suffice, and I'll stop reduce the amount of Washington-related yammering from here on out.

I hope you enjoy the tiny peek at the trip. 


  1. That is awesome! It looks a lot like Maine. Glad you guys got to go to such an awesome place!

  2. I admit it: I almost burst into tears as well. (sara j)
