Monday, February 17, 2014

Marvelous Monday: Week 7

I'm still grinning from my weekend in Washington with my friends. Ellie and I traveled there to attend a baby shower honoring Nat and her husband and their soon-to-arrive baby!

I believe we talked nearly continuously for the hours that we were awake. It was so great to have a couple of days to catch up with these dear friends, who have been part of my life for more than a decade, and so special to be able to celebrate with the two wonderful soon-to-be parents in person. (A big thanks to Nat and her husband for hosting us!)

The week is already marvelous because of those friends. More marvelous tidbits:

1) This morning in Minnesota, winter kept on truckin' with four or five inches of fresh snow. I got out for a few miles this afternoon for the first time in a few days. In Washington, I got a preview of what 40 degrees feels like, and I am looking forward to that temperature this week in Minnesota.

2) On my run, I saw a little girl learning how to skate on a neighborhood ice rink, using a folding chair for balance.

3) Josh cleaned the house today and I cleaned my side of the closet out this evening. I am very excited.

4) We're celebrating my sister's birthday with the family later this week.

5) I had been pondering a good way to preserve our holiday cards (which are still up), and learned this weekend that for the last couple of years, Nat has been punching two holes in each card and then stringing them all together with ribbon to form a little book. I love this idea and hope to try it this week.

The Olympics are on TV in the background and there are cowbells ringing, and they are rallying tonight's blogging. Cowbells are sort of appropriate for Marvelous Monday.

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