Friday, August 2, 2013

Around the garden

I left our garden more or less alone this week, popping over yesterday to give it a quick drink of water but otherwise letting the intermittent rain showers take care of it. This afternoon, though, I headed over to check it out and do some maintenance. I filled up my little tupperware bowl with even more green beans than last week, noticed that the cherry tomatoes are still this close to going crazy (read: tons of green tomatoes), and lamented that the cherry tomato plant has completely crowded one or two of the pepper plants' personal space.

Also, the healthiest pepper plant is going crazy!

And in other good news, more heirloom tomatoes have popped out, too. This is one of the very newest:

Then I looked around the rest of the garden. There is a concept from my yoga classes that I've written about here before calling "staying on your mat" - i.e. not worrying too much about what your yoga neighbor can or can't do in comparison to what you can or can't do. It is good that I've heard this before, because my garden neighbor has a veritable forest of tomato plants with gigantic tomatoes. I appreciate and marvel at this neighbor's tomato-growing talents, and will tell this person so if I ever meet him or her.

There are lots and lots of green tomatoes in everyone's plots right now. It's going to be gorgeous when they all turn orange, red and yellow. I think they are pretty when they're green, too.

I saw some more purple prairie coneflowers, which I can now identify thanks to yesterday's post and subsequent comment!

And then I left the garden alone again, went home and ate the green beans.

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