Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mornings like these

This spring, I had settled into a running routine that worked well for me: 20-30 miles per week, mostly completed over my lunch hour with the exception of one longer run on Saturdays. I took a cutback week a couple of weeks ago because I got the chance to try out a couple of lunchtime fitness classes (pilates and a different yoga class). After that, suddenly, it was way too warm for a midday run without my face being bright red for the rest of the afternoon.

It's time, I realized, to get back to morning running.

I considered this morning to be a test run, since my Saturday miles are usually morning ones anyway (albeit later in the morning, earlier in the spring). I had forgotten how still the neighborhoods are in the early morning, save for a few people out walking their dogs. An hour or two later, the playgrounds and garage sales and neighborhood baseball games and lawnmowers were in motion. But during my run, the city was quiet.

And, of course, the morning clouds:

By the time I got home, the clouds had burned off completely. The sky changes so fast in the early daylight.

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