Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekends with Wish

A Keeshond like Wish is known for being a family dog who loves to hang out with his people, and we love relaxing with him at home, especially on the weekends. He definitely naps more than we do, but he also likes to see what we're doing and be part of the group (especially when it involves grilling, cooking, opening bags of food or eating).

(Also, remember when I said I'd only blog about Wish once per week? Sara makes fun of me every time I break that rule, which I admit has become often. Sorry, Readers.)

Anyway, on Saturday, I tried a black bean dip recipe for the big, epic Tennessee versus Florida football game, and he eagerly supervised to make sure we were eating our snack neatly:

Alas, later that night, the game unfortunately went terribly far out of Tennessee's favor. While Josh and I were cringing, I looked over at Wish, who had decided he couldn't even bear to watch anymore:

After a leisurely walk this morning (+5) he found out that today was Get Wish's Nails Clipped Day (-100!!). He did not love this experience, but he got through it and his nails are much nicer. (And it was over so quickly that I only had a chance to grab him a new toy - read on - and didn't get to thoroughly peruse the pet Halloween costumes!) On the car ride home, he was all smiles.

Later, when he was snoozing, we played with his funny little mullet ear fur (-2, if he would've been awake).

The day also included another long walk...and a new squeaky football! (+100)

He hasn't even torn it apart yet, so it has lasted at least five hours (another +50).

Hope your weekend included some time to kick back, too, Reader. Did you watch football this weekend? Do you support Halloween costumes for animals, or do you think they're ridiculous? (Hint: I think you probably know my answer.) And what are you looking forward to this week?


  1. The dip looks amazing I don't blame Wish for begging. Post/send the recipe if you have time.

    1. YES! The recipe is so easy and so good:

      I forgot to buy chipotles in adobo and skipped the vinegar, which made it even easier.

  2. Sara here. For the record, I love any mention of Wish. And this is my all time favorite wish entry! I love how you interpret his behavior!! I love the captions! ROFL
