Friday, September 9, 2011


Loyal blog readers (hi, Mom!) know that I am an early bird, especially when my internal clock is cheerfully but non-negotiably on Central Time and my body is physically on Pacific Time.  I woke up early on Monday morning, and with 12 hours left in California, I wanted to start exploring.  

As most of you know, I love to do this on foot.  I put on my running shoes and got pulled back toward the beach.  I discovered a trail that ran parallel basically to Highway 1 but even closer to the water, alternating between a paved path and a dirt/horse trail.  Along the way, I saw campers waking up, locals walking their dogs, and surfers hitting the rough waves early. The weather matched the night before--foggy and cool--but somehow it didn't strike me as gloomy at all.  Also, the air smelled good.

I was drawn to the beach houses and the quirky character displayed by the locals.  They have a lot of pride in Half Moon Bay, and I don’t blame them a bit.  It’s a great community.  I even saw an "I HRT HMB" license plate in one of the yards. I assume it means "I heart Half Moon Bay" and not "I hurt Half Moon Bay."  That would be less appealing, obviously.

Here’s a sign marking one family farm, on a barn’s roof:

 And this is a colorful barn mural set against the foggy hills:

I made a deal with myself that I could take as many pictures on the leisurely way out as I wanted if I could hustle back during the run's second half.  And take photographs I did!  I loved looking at the plants and the hills, and I loved hearing the waves crashing against the shore even when they weren’t in my sight.

When I got back to the beach we had visited the previous day, I saw the morning surfer crowd making their way into the waves, which were a lot choppier than the night before.

Then I arrived back on the street by our hotel and was greeted by the following three items: the heart, the bemused sun, and the flowers. 

Again!  I ask: Could anyone be an angry person if he or she walked by the Love fence daily?

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