Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's 9-10-11!

Let's take a mini-break from the trip recaps, shall we?  

I've regaled you about the wedding festivities and Half Moon Bay, but Reader, I still want to tell you about our day in San Francisco. It's coming!  After that, I promise to resume normal blogging topics such as dogs, caprese salads, my impending marathon, and other assorted malarkey.

For now, take a deep breath, kick back your feet, and enjoy another cloud picture.  This time, it's from 38,000 feet!

Yes, I was That Passenger. I peeked out the window on the flight home and, much to Josh's chagrin, I couldn't resist digging out my camera for a snapshot.  It's a cloud photo, from a totally different vantage point!  Never fear: I snapped the photo subtly and with solemn dignity.

I will basking in the remnants of summer sun this weekend, with highs in the 80s through Monday before fall swoops in with a 65-degree high on Tuesday.  Whoa!  Happy weekend and go Rocky Top!

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