Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trivia triumph

Everyone has a trivia category that's made for him or her.  What is yours?  Sports?  Movies?  Politics?  Besides my illustrious bank of tidbits gleaned from US Weekly, I stumble at trivia.  I have never found the category that elicits the fierce confidence that prompts everyone at your table to crane their necks to see the answer that comes out of your brain.

Until now!

Last night, Josh and I joined three friends for trivia at Green Mill.  A few years ago, a big group of us used to go weekly, but our attendance dwindled this year.  The trivia is divided into several sections, and whoever gets to the restaurant first takes the first crack at the back page: the image round.  This involves identifying 10 visuals grouped around a theme, but the puzzle usually involves altering part of each image via a black bar or white-out. 

Josh and I grabbed our table yesterday, and when he looked at the page, he said, "This is your image round!" I doubt the two of us have ever been more excited to tackle the puzzles.  We were an A+ team.  By the time the next friend arrived, we had sheepishly dubiously proudly demolished the whole thing. 

Read it and weep.  I may flounder or fall silent in other categories.  But you know what?  After many years of practice, I know my frozen pizzas.

The only way the image round could've improved would've been if the trivia guy drew a smiley or star or "A+!" next to our 10 points.  Those points helped the team nab third place and a $10 gift card to Half Price Books.  I never dreamed that my generous, strange affinity for frozen pizzas would reap any sort of positive benefit - but last night, it paid off big-time.

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