Saturday, January 5, 2013

101 in 1,001: One year down

One year into the 101 in 1,001 project, and so much has happened!

The bevy of links:
Last month's recap
The whole list
Track my progress (more or less) via Google doc

Well, last month's main lesson is that December at Miles and Laurel is not exactly tailor made for 101 progress. I set two goals and fulfilled neither! I did not snowshoe and did not make a snowman, and now the snow is mostly packed down. I am crossing my fingers for another nice snowfall this season.

I did check off a couple of other items, though:

#22 Take at least one walk per week for an entire year. As mentioned awhile back, this became not much of a stretch because of this guy, who joined our household in 2012:

When I make my next list, I'll probably amend it to be at least one walk per week to a destination or errand instead of driving.

#70 Sew a quilt. This one!

I also kept making progress on other items, including visiting the dentist (#23) and saving incrementally for an item or trip (#55).

That leaves me with...

17/101 projects in progress
32/101 projects complete

This month, I will work on:

#62 Send one card per week for three months again
I think I'll retry #21 Take a vitamin daily for a month
#92 Read five classic books (finally)
#59 Create a budget
and possibly #47 Volunteer at six races

Maybe I will even have a chance to cross off the snow-related projects, too.

There were also loads of St. Paul and Minneapolis community ed classes that fit items on my list - especially the financial literacy goals - but I think I'll have to wait til next session. Sara and I signed up for a calligraphy class!

I am grateful for everything the 101 in 1,001 list kicked off in 2012. The list has helped me seek out new adventures both fun and challenging - lots of things that, in the past, I might have said "That sounds fun!" or "I'd love to do that!" and then just never gotten around to doing. The list helps me explore my neighborhood and community, connect with friends (and you all!), and make me stretch to learn and try new things. I give the project a major thumbs up and can't wait to see what progress 2013 brings.

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