Monday, March 18, 2013

Marvelous Monday: Week 11

Hi! The wind is howling tonight and the windchill is 1 degree.  This regular feature is a perfect excuse to shift my focus to the marvelous!

1) Cooking report: "Cooking is so much fun on Sundays!" I told Josh yesterday, and he laughed because all I did yesterday was prepare the crock pot ensemble for Iowa Girl Eats' pulled pork, which we made into tacos. There is a two-part resolution percolating that speaks to both of our points: I would like to use the crock pot more, and I would like to start using Sundays at home to try a more involved recipe. Specifically, I would like to improve at cooking meat - you know, figure out how to cook a turkey before I'm actually hosting a nice turkey dinner. That kind of thing. For the time being, that pulled pork is marvelous in tacos.

2) Reading report: I started The Night Circus for my book club, but got distracted thanks to a library trip that yielded not only Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead (I had it reserved) but also The Receptionist: An Education at the New Yorker and The Lee Bros. Charleston Kitchen. I have some reading to do. Back to The Night Circus later this evening.

3) I signed up for a summer CSA! We had a box a couple of summers ago, but I paused it last summer and am excited to get back to it. I will update you accordingly on how it goes.

4) We made good wedding planning progress this weekend in several areas. Like #3, a more specific update will probably come soon, but it is so fun and sweet to see the pieces fall into place and picture the pieces actually playing out on the day of the wedding. (Several M&L readers deserve big thanks for their help, over the last week and always.)

5) I practiced majuscules (that's capital letters to you non-calligraphy students). I struggled mightily with them in class last week, but guess what? Practicing (even a little) helped! I will charge into class tomorrow night with a positive attitude.

Hey! What's marvelous about the start of your week? Do you know how to cook turkeys and roasts and that kind of thing, and if so, do you have any favorite tips? If it is warm and springy where you are, please regale me with stories about this exciting new season in the comment section!

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