Monday, May 14, 2012


As my mom would say: OMG x10,000!

We got a dog!!

I've kept the whole process muffled on Miles and Laurel, but rest assured, this is no whim. I've kept it quiet partly because the details of getting permission from various parties associated with our apartment have been ongoing and pretty mundane (compared to the rest of the salacious content here, right?) and partly because I've gotten my own hopes up, like, zillions of times as we've pinpointed pups we loved and then watched them get adopted by other dog-loving people. We've wanted a dog for ages and ages and finally found the right circumstances - and the right pup!

Here's how it happened: We worked through a rescue organization, and last week, we found three dogs that we loved. We visited one on Friday night and then drove to southern Minnesota on Sunday to meet a duo being fostered at a farm there. We loved all three, but the dogs we saw on Sunday were a better fit for our home and lifestyle.  And one of them is a little Keeshond named Wish!

His dramatic "stare into the distance" expression
Because of the distance, I think the process we went through was a little out of the ordinary. We had been cleared to adopt an animal after we passed our home visit last week (yay!) but I don't think it's too common to bring a dog home directly after the first meeting with him or her. Anyway, we loved Wish - we loved both dogs on Sunday and it was so hard to pick one to bring home - and we drove back up a dirt road toward the interstate with a little dog in the backseat!

Fortunately, he was great in the car. We stopped at a pet supply store, and Josh hung out with Wish while I scrambled around the store. It must have been a funny sight because, while I had a list of the supplies we'd need immediately, I had No Clue what I was doing. I picked out a basic leash, water and food bowls, and toys, then asked an employee for help with the crate and food.

When we got home, it was so strange to see Wish trotting around the apartment. As much as we've wanted a pup for so long and as overjoyed as I was to find Wish, I was nervous yesterday. Through the process of choosing a rescue dog, I've seen firsthand how powerful experiences can be for dogs and how striking the right training (or lack of training or hurtful training) can be. I take this so seriously (probably too seriously) and just want to do the right thing for my pup. I have a wholeheartedly new appreciation for well-trained dogs as well as for people who choose puppies. All three of us were so tuckered out last night.

He seems to be crate-trained and housebroken, for which we are very grateful.  (What's that sound? Oh, it's just me, knocking on wood.)

I've just crossed the 24-hour mark of having Wish in my life, and while there is so much still to discover, I have already learned a lot about him.

A plant? I must investigate!
Things that Wish likes:
1) Liver biscuits
2) Walks
3) Plants OF ALL KINDS
4) Stop signs
5) Riding in the car

He also does a really good downward dog.

On his first walk last night, a little girl passed us and asked, "Is he a wolf or something like that?" My little wolfy dog. 

Things Wish definitely does not like:
1) Garbage trucks!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow brings a visit to the vet and choosing an obedience class. 


  1. He is so adorable! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you! We love him. I hope Henry can help teach him the ways of the world...

  2. Oooooooh so cute!!! I'm still at about a 9.6/10 on the excitement scale though seeing pictures of and knowing what Wish is and is not a fan of brings me up to more of a 9.9!

    1. We are no doubt at about a 9.9, too! He needs to build up his bow tie collection, though.
