Sunday, January 15, 2012

An amazing coincidence about peanut butter

Since we spent time with Josh's niece and nephew over both Thanksgiving and Christmas, Josh has been talking with Loco and Lala on the phone almost daily. It's our solution to stay connected until we can configure webcams and Skype for both parties.  The kids are 5 and 4, so it seems like their phone conversations improve what seems like weekly, although Lala still sometimes flings the phone when she's done with the conversation and both of them need reminders that we can't see them nod or shake their heads.  Loco in particular is more vocal, especially now that he discovered the speakerphone function on their cordless phone.  

The other day, they were acting squirrelly, and Josh was (half?) joking that he'd fly to Colorado right then and there to set them up in time-out.  I noted out loud that I've had to put Josh in time-out from time to time myself and then heard muffled whispering on the other end.  Then Loco's mom said Loco had looked at her very seriously and asked, "Would Rebecca really do that?"

This morning, via the speakerphone, we were all chatting about what was on tap for breakfast.  Loco and Josh were talking about goatmeal (oatmeal!) versus cold cereal, and Josh volunteered the tidbit that I had already had goatmeal for my own breakfast.  "It's true," I said, "I love goatmeal with peanut butter in it."  (This is very true.)  Later on, he said, "Rebecca, did you really have goatmeal with peanut butter this morning? Because I just saw a commercial on TV about peanut butter."

"Yes!" I said. "We must be on the same wavelength."  Loco considered this for a moment and then burst out laughing.  I love those kids.

There are a bunch of projects launching this weekend in my casa: painting, telephone-wrangling, and sewing.  As mentioned yesterday, I hope to have results to share soon.  For now, the Golden Globes red carpet previews are on TV, and I intend to watch a few minutes before heading to a trampoline park for the evening.  (Yes, you read that right.  I CAN'T WAIT.)  

See you tomorrow!

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