Monday, April 16, 2012

Marvelous Monday: Week 16

Guess what?  Week 16 means that we are 30 percent of the way through 2012. Weird!!

1) It's Boston Marathon day!  The annual running of such a historic, magnificent race is one of the most exciting days of the year for running fans. I went running at lunch, to make sure my miles coincided with the tens of thousands of runners out on the course in the time zone to my right. The crazy thing is that in St. Paul, the temperature was 40 degrees cooler than it was in Boston today. It was unbelievably hot for the marathon.  I hope the marathons celebrated being at the start line, ran smart, and enjoyed a cold beverage of their choice afterward.  (Mine is root beer.)

2) It snowed this morning. I'm not sure how marvelous that was, but it was pretty kooky.

3) I got to have pineapple today!

4)  I was doodling around in Picasa last night and started figuring out how to make a panoramic photo collage thing out of several photos of the same scene.  Did anyone else do this in college with actual printed photos and post the collage on their dorm room walls?  Some of my friends did, and I thought they were so cool. Progress report to come.

5) I am launching forward on some 101 in 1,001 items. You know it is a fun weekend when your activities count for more than one item and you have to choose!  (More on this tomorrow.)

Hope your week is starting out well, Reader. Care to share any marvelous tidbits?  (I promise it wouldn't be awkward content to comment.) Do you love spring snow or does it make you cringe? Do you have any 101 in 1,001-type goals that you are pursuing this week or month?

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