Monday, July 9, 2012

Marvelous Monday: Week 28

Marvelous Monday, here we come!

Here's what I'm finding marvelous as the new week begins:

1. The All Star Game is around the corner! Can you believe the 2012 baseball season is halfway done? When I was a kid, I hated the block of days around the All Star Game when no baseball was played, but I've always enjoying getting into the game (even before home field advantage in the playoff hinged on the outcome). Many years ago - I'm talking 20 years back - I made a bet with one of my mom's friends that the American League team would emerge victorious. (I always, always choose American League.) We bet a Baker's Square pie, although I'm not sure whether she expected me to actually track down a pie had I lost. (The AL whomped that year and I'm still waiting for my pie. I think I got tricked.)

2. I have hit a fun stride on my online library request list. As soon as I hear about a book I'd like to read, I've gotten into the habit of going online and getting in line for a copy, so every couple of weeks I get notification that a new book is ready. It feels like a little present! This week I read The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. When I was almost done with that book, I got the email that Chris Cleave's Gold is waiting for me. I really enjoyed his book Little Bee and this book is about two elite female cyclists gearing up (ha!) for the Olympics, which seems like it will make exceptionally appropriate reading material this month!

3. I touched on this topic earlier by noting that I made a batch, but I'm ready to heartily endorse the iced coffee recipe I tried last weekend. It is so refreshing and novel to me! I fill a glass about halfway with ice, fill it up two-thirds to three-quarters with my chilled coffee and then top off the glass with milk and sometimes a tiny dash of sugar.

4. Our apartment now includes air conditioning in the form of a small window unit. Enough said. MARVELOUS!

5. This week is sandwiched between weekends that include fun running events. A couple of days ago, I ran the Afton Trail Run with my friend Molly. I switched to a new pair of shoes today (another marvelous turn of events), and then this weekend it's the Pork Chop Trot with my brother! Despite my success with midrace snacks in Saturday's race, though, I don't expect to consume any pork chops mid-5K this weekend.

What's marvelous today, Reader? Any book recommendations, iced coffee tips or All Star Game stories from your own childhood you'd like to share? Also, on a totally unrelated note, do you have a digital camera you love and want to tell me about?  I'm in the market for one and greatly appreciate any direction.